Davide Ragazzi Art Studio

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Davide Ragazzi Art Studio Team is pleased to invite you to the Open Studio Days, from the 23rd April to the 8th May 2022. Come to know our services, discover next events and how you can partecipate. Please, book a visit in Davide Ragazzi Art Studio by email or fill the form in the contact page.

Davide Ragazzi is known as the painter of the Earth and the Moon. He has created numerous works inspired by the art of Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Da Vinci. He started his contemporary art research in 1993. The human flight, the links among Art and Science, in the past and today; the Moon, the rocky planets and the Earth are subjects of visual research. His painting technique is energetic, fast, gestural with enamels; slower, descriptive, stratified or by thick texture with acrylic and oil paints. In his works of art, the subjects portrayed, the techniques used and the supports chosen tell a deeping relationship between ancient and contemporary world, which he have been exploring since the beginning of his research.

Davide Ragazzi Art Studio

International Atelier and Gallery in Genoa, Italy

Via Fieschi 23/4, 16121 Genoa Italy

+39 0108688702

Opening time: Monday-Sunday 3pm - 8pm; Saturday 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 8pm


VISITS BY APPOINTMENT: 23rd April - 8th May 2022